Treatment EMS
EMS treatments are safe as long as they are carried out by qualified personnel and applied as recommended by professionals. Before starting treatments, it is advisable to consult with a professional who will choose the right intensity and therapeutic programme to suit your needs and goals.
- learn how to carry out a skin analysis on a person,
- check their skin's needs and what it lacks,
- receive a personal skin scan report by e-mail,
- learn about the basic ingredients used in cosmetics,
- learn how to select an ingredient for their skin type.
- examine and discuss 8 skin parameters: skin texture, oiliness, exfoliation, pores, wrinkles, capillaries, discolouration, hydration,
Treatment EMS covers:

Skin texture
The measurement determines the texture of the epidermal surface, its relief and level of smoothness, which reflect skin density, tone and firmness.

Size of pores
By measuring the size of the pores, it is possible to assess the size of the pores and check whether they are normal and possibly take steps to reduce them.

Width and depth of wrinkles
The measurement of wrinkles allows the progression of skin ageing to be determined and the progression of rejuvenation treatments to be observed.

Degree of lubrication
The measurement allows the analysis of the skin's oiliness and determination of the quality of the skin's hydro-lipid mantle.

Level of exfoliation
Assessing the amount of exfoliating epidermis in the stratum corneum allows the detection of disorders in the keratinisation process.

Degree of hydration
Assessment of the function and level of hydration and quality of the NMF is possible with a humidity measurement sensor.