Salon regulations


Opening hours of the "WOMANATURE" salon:
Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 20:00,
on Saturdays from 10:00 to 16:00.

Opening hours are subject to change depending on the needs of clients. It is possible to provide the service at times other than those mentioned above, but only by appointment.

§ 1
General provisions and principles

  1. The Regulations define the terms and conditions of the WOMANATURE salon based in Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as the WOMANATURE).
  2. The Terms and Conditions set out the general terms and conditions of the WOMANATURE service sales contract under which the Customer purchases the treatment service, in accordance with Article 384 of the Civil Code. The Terms and Conditions are available via the Site and at WOMANATURE.
  3. The User and the Customer accept the Terms and Conditions of WOMANATURE and the Site upon signing up for the Newsletter service and/or booking an appointment.
  4. The Customer and the User are entitled and obliged to use the WOMANATURE Services in accordance with their intended purpose.

§ 2
Regulatory definitions

  1. Customer Charter - A form to be completed by the Client at the first physical visit to WOMANATURE, containing Client data such as name, surname, telephone number and relevant health information necessary for the correct performance of the service.
  2. Customer - a natural person at least 18 years of age or having full legal capacity, who uses the Services provided by the Operator in a Lounge after concluding a Booking Agreement.
  3. Consumer - a natural person who makes a legal transaction with an entrepreneur which is not directly connected to his/her commercial or professional activity.
  4. Operator/Administrator - WOMANATURE sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw (02-635)
    18 Płatowcowa St., NIP: 7011053110, REGON: 520032368, e-mail:, telephone number: +48 667 712 372.
  5. Package 5 - package of 5 treatments
  6. Package 10 - package of 10 treatments
  7. Regulations - these terms and conditions of the WOMANATURE salon and website
  8. Service - appointment booking service available at
  9. Website - the website operated by the Operator at The aim of the Website is to provide Users with information related - also indirectly - to the activities of the Operator of the Service, including in particular the services performed and the possibility of booking an appointment for the Services provided by the Operator.
  10. Reservation agreement - a contract concluded or entered into between the Client and the Operator for the purpose of providing a Treatment at the Salon on a date specified by the Client. The booking contract constitutes a preliminary contract for the conclusion of the Sales Contract.
  11. Sales contract - the contract for the sale of a product or service concluded or entered into between the Customer and the Operator via the website,
    by telephone or directly.
  12. Service - the service provided by the Operator to the Users by electronic means, including the transmission of information through publications on the Website, as well as in the form of messages, upon subscribing to the Newsletter or booking an appointment at the Salon.
  13. User - a natural person at least 18 years of age or having full legal capacity, as well as a legal person or an organisational unit without legal personality, who uses the Service provided electronically by the Operator.
  14. WOMANATURE - a cosmetology salon operated by the Operator in the course of its business.
  15. Treatment - the activity offered by the Operator in connection with the activity in the Lounge.

§ 3
Use of the Website facilities

  1. It is not necessary for the User's computer or other device to meet any particular technical conditions in order to use the Website's capabilities. The following are sufficient:
  1. Internet access,
  2. standard operating system,
  3. standard web browser,
  4. having an active e-mail address.
  5. On the Site, the User has the possibility to select one of several Services offered by the Operator, such as:
  1. To familiarise yourself with the content offered by the Operator under the tabs: "About Us", "Price List", "Training Centre", "Research Centre", "Blog", "Contact Us". Access to articles and information is free of charge, without the need to provide personal data.
  2. Making an appointment by redirecting to 
  1. Making an appointment via is tantamount to acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and consent to sending the User the Newsletter free of charge (marketing e-mails, in particular concerning the Operator's offer - promotions, discount codes, product news).
  2. The use of the Newsletter requires you to provide your name and email address. This data is subject to processing by the Operator as Administrator for contact purposes to the extent related to possible sending of an offer. The sending of the form becomes effective only if the User gives appropriate consent in the check-box. Giving such consent is voluntary, but at the same time it is necessary to receive a return message from the Operator. In the case of failure to give such consent, the Administrator has no legal grounds to contact the User.
  3. If the User wishes to unsubscribe from this service, he/she selects the "Unsubscribe from Newsletter" option, which can be found as a separate field in the footer of each email message sent by the Operator as part of the aforementioned service.
  4. Provision of the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Access to the documents is free, with no need to provide personal information.
  5. The user is obliged to:
  1. use the Website in a manner consistent with the law and good morals, with due regard for the personal rights and copyrights and intellectual property of the Operator and third parties;
  2. entering factually correct data;
  3. comply with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure.
  1. Complaints regarding the operation of the Site may be submitted by the User in electronic form to the following address:
  2. The description of the complaint should state:
  1. information and circumstances relating to the subject matter of the complaint, in particular the nature of the date
    and the occurrence of irregularities,
  2. User requests,
  3. contact details of the complainant.
  4. The Operator shall respond to the complaint without delay, no later than
    within 14 calendar days of its submission.

§ 4
Rights and obligations of the service provider

  1. The Operator shall not be liable for any disruption, including interruption, in the operation of the Website caused by force majeure, unauthorised action of third parties or incompatibility of the Website with the User's technical infrastructure.
  2. In order to ensure the security of the user and the transfer of data in connection with the
    with the use of the Site, the Operator shall take technical and organisational measures appropriate to the degree of security threat to the services provided, in particular measures to prevent the acquisition and modification of personal data by unauthorised persons.
  3. The Operator shall take steps to ensure that the Site is fully operational.
  4. The Operator provides 24-hour access to the Site, but reserves the right to apply interruptions in access for technical reasons.

§ 5

  1. The Operator declares that it owns all copyrights to the material posted on the Site.
  2. The Operator undertakes that any material made available as part of the operation of the Site will comply with the law, ethical standards and good morals.
  3. You do not at any stage of your use of the Site deduct any copyright in the Site,
    including, in particular, to:
  1. dissemination, including on the Internet and in closed networks;
  2. reproduction, including the right to make a permanent or temporary reproduction in whole or in part by any means and in any form,
    as well as development (translation, adaptation or any other alteration) without limiting the conditions of permissibility of these activities, in particular, but not limited to, use for the purpose of interaction with other works or development, production or marketing, lending, renting or other forms of use of a similar or similar form;
  3. dispose of the materials made available as part of the Site and their development, including the granting of licences to third parties.
  4. A breach of the provisions of §5.3 of the Rules and Regulations shall constitute grounds for claiming damages by the Operator.

§ 6
Conditions for concluding the contract

  1. The conclusion of the Booking Agreement between the Customer and the Operator takes place after the User has made a booking on the Website, made a booking by telephone or in person at WOMANATURE, which results in the conclusion of the Booking Agreement.
  2. The procedure for entering into a Booking Agreement and a Sales Agreement on the Website:
  1. The conclusion of the Booking Agreement and the Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Operator takes place after the Customer has placed an order on the Website in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, by telephone directly with the Operator or in person at WOMANATURE.
  2. Once an appointment has been booked, the Operator will immediately confirm receipt.
    As soon as the customer receives confirmation of the booking between the operator and the customer, a booking contract is concluded between the customer and the operator.
  3. When concluding the Booking Agreement the Client shall pay the fee constituting the entire price of the Treatment, Package 5 or Package 10. The price of the Treatment shown on the Site and on the Website in Polish zloty is gross and includes taxes. The total price including taxes of the Treatment that is the subject of the order shall be communicated to the Customer when placing an order on the Site, including when the Customer expresses his/her willingness to be bound by the Booking Contract.
  4. Recording, securing and making available to the Customer the content of the concluded Contracts, including the terms and conditions for the execution of the order takes place through:
  1. making the Terms and Conditions available on the Website;
  2. sending the customer a message confirming the booking.
  1. The contents of the Contracts are further recorded and secured in the Operator Site's IT system.
  2. The Customer may change the date indicated in the Booking Agreement a maximum of 3 times. Changing the fourth agreed date within one Booking Contract means withdrawal from the Contract by the Client, of which the Client is additionally informed by a text message during the confirmation of the final date. The provision of §9 subclause 2 of the Terms and Conditions shall apply accordingly.
  3. When purchasing Package 5, the time of use of the service is two months from the date of purchase. Treatments under Package 5 that are not used within this period are cancelled.
  4. In the case of the purchase of Package 10, the time of use of the service is three months from the date of purchase. Treatments under Package 10 that are not used within this period are cancelled.
  5. The customer has the option of purchasing a gift voucher, which remains available for use for 3 months from the date of purchase. It is not possible to exchange the voucher for cash.

§ 7
Basic principles of the Salon

  1. The indicated service times for the Treatment included on the Site and on the Service are approximate times.
    and also include consultation and preparation for the treatment service.
  2. In the event that the Client is late for the appointment, time shall be deducted from the time scheduled for the Treatment, unless it would be impossible or risky to perform the Treatment in full, which shall be decided by the Operator or the employee to perform the Treatment. It is then possible to refuse to perform the Treatment in its entirety, without being able to withdraw from the Sales Contract.
  3. The Operator undertakes to contact the Customer by telephone if the Customer does not show up at the Salon for the appointment. Failure to inform and contact the Customer after 15 minutes from the start of the appointment in accordance with the Booking Agreement shall mean cancellation of the appointment. The provision of §9 point 2 of the Terms and Conditions shall apply accordingly.
  4. The customer is obliged to provide information about his/her health to the Operator and is responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided.
  5. For sanitary reasons and the organisation of the Salon, the client should come to the appointment without the presence of pets or companions and should not eat during the treatments.
  6. The Client should not make telephone calls during the treatment for the comfort of other Clients and the Operator's staff.
  7. The Operator or staff have the right not to perform the Treatment for safety reasons if the Client's condition indicates the consumption of alcohol or the use of other drugs.
  8. Treatments are only provided during Salon operating hours. The Operator reserves the right to change the operating hours of the Salon or to exclude part of the Salon space for fortuitous or planned reasons (e.g. renovation works).

§ 8
Payment methods and deadlines

  1. Payment for a chargeable Service is made by the Service via the selected electronic payment or via a prepayment link in the case of a telephone booking (the link is active one hour after receipt of the SMS message).
  2. Payment is made automatically at the time of transfer, upon acceptance by the User. Confirmation of the payment made shall additionally be sent to the e-mail address provided by the User when creating an Account on the Website.

§ 9
Withdrawal from the contract and complaints

  1. Pursuant to the Consumer Rights Act, a Consumer may withdraw from a medical or service contract in writing without stating a reason within 14 days of its conclusion.
  2. In the event of a booking of a date, a prepayment is collected, e.g. on the Website or via a link, according to the values indicated by the Operator. In the event that the customer withdraws from the booking contract (cancellation of the booking, rebooking less than 24 hours before the specified date or the case specified in § 6.6 of the Terms and Conditions), the prepayment shall be retained by the operator.
  3. Pursuant to Article 38(1) of the Consumer Rights Act, the consumer is not entitled to withdraw from an agreement concluded off-premises or at a distance in relation to agreements: 1) for the provision of services, where the entrepreneur has performed the service in full with the express consent of the consumer, who has been informed prior to the provision of the service that once the entrepreneur has performed the service, he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract. The subject of the contract is the booking of an appointment for the performance of a service. If you are late for the indicated date, the person performing the service decides whether he has the opportunity to perform the service in the remaining time - in case of a negative decision, the person performing the service has the right to refuse to perform the service. The Consumer is informed of the loss of the right to withdraw from the Booking Contract during the booking process.
  4. Other complaints about the treatment, due to the nature of the service provided, the Consumer has the right to make up to 7 days after the Treatment in writing, indicating:
  1. information and circumstances relating to the subject of the complaint, in particular the nature of the date and occurrence of the irregularity,
  2. the consumer's demands,
  3. the contact details of the complainant,
  4. date of treatment.
  1. The moment of commencement of performance is the delivery to the Consumer of the message confirming that the appointment has been booked.
  2. In order to withdraw from the contract, the Consumer must inform the Operator of his or her decision to withdraw from the contract by an unequivocal statement.
  3. In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient for the Consumer to send information concerning the exercise of the Consumer's right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.
  4. The Operator shall respond to the complaint immediately, no later than 14 calendar days from the date of submission.
  5. The provisions of this paragraph also apply to a sole proprietor to whom the Civil Code grants certain consumer rights.

§ 10
Personal data and cookies

  1. The Operator is the administrator of the User's personal data.
  2. The User's personal data is processed for the purpose of processing orders and for the possible defence, investigation or establishment of claims relating to contracts concluded through the Site or Service.
  3. Details regarding the processing of personal data and the use of cookies can be found in the privacy policy available at

§ 11
Out-of-court complaint and redress procedures

  1. The Operator agrees to submit any disputes arising in connection with the concluded contracts to mediation proceedings. The details will be determined by the conflicting parties.
  2. The Consumer has the possibility to make use of out-of-court complaint and redress procedures. Among other things, the Consumer has the possibility to:
  1. apply to a permanent amicable consumer court for the settlement of a contractual dispute,
  2. apply to the regional inspector of the Commercial Inspection to initiate mediation proceedings for an amicable settlement of the dispute between the Consumer and the Operator,
  3. seek the assistance of the district (municipal) consumer ombudsman or a social organisation whose statutory tasks include consumer protection.
  1. For more detailed information on out-of-court complaint and redress procedures, the consumer may consult the following website
  2. The consumer can also use the ODR platform, which is available at The platform serves to resolve disputes between consumers and traders seeking out-of-court resolution of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from an online sales or service contract.

§ 12
Final provisions

  1. The Operator shall be entitled to unilaterally amend or supplement the Terms and Conditions at any time. The User will be informed of the changes by displaying a message on the main Site. If the User does not agree to the changes made, the Operator may prevent the User from using the Site. The Site will be closed.
  2. The terms and conditions of cooperation are defined solely by the Terms and Conditions. Any information or advertising materials regarding the services provided by the Operator are for information purposes only and are not legally binding.
  3. The general court for disputes arising from the Terms and Conditions shall be the court with jurisdiction over the Operator's registered office.
  4. The regulations are effective as of 10.08.2023.